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Searched for: turtling
28 Jul 2011 17:44
@ justabitmore

thanks for the encouraging words. It seems to be deflating before my eyes. I\'ll try and be patient and hope for the best but am already planning 2nd procedure. It does seems to hang a lot better today with no turtling. Rubbing arginine gel on it last night before bed so that may be the reason.
27 Jul 2011 18:05

norm wrote: Try to get the pictures taken from the same distance and angle. I find your dialog more useful because photos can be so unreliable (but I think you look great).

I am so new to all this, pardon if this is a stupid question: why do you need more than one session, and does this impact girth only or is there any lengthening benefit, too?

Hey Norm, welcome to the forum.
You don\'t need more than 1 session, but it is recommended to have 2 sessions, with the 2nd serving as a \"touch-up,\" session. While Dr. Casavantes is a master at his craft, it isn\'t always easy predicting how 15-20cc of PMMA will settle in a dynamic organ like the penis. It seems almost inevitable that there will be minor contour issues and irregularities that are corrected on a 2nd appointment. The 2nd round will also add a slight bit more girth as well. Anyone who seeks 3 or more sessions are likely going for sheer girth. Keep in mind your glans are not being enhanced, and your erect length is not getting any longer, so massive new girth can actually give your penis a disproportionate look.
As for length, no erect length gains should be expected. However, in the flaccid, the PMMA definitely reduces \"turtling,\" giving you the appearance of a longer hanging flaccid. The penis is also heavier in the flaccid.
I\'ll see if I can obtain the office photo(s) today.
24 Jul 2011 17:10
Day 3: last night I was happy to unwrap the puppy and let it out for the entire time until morning and this morning I even was able to treat myself to underwear and lifting it vertically to keep it uncompressed went happily without bandages. The very different reaction of the crowd at the hotel breakfast room is noteworthy. A bandaged sausage running down your pant leg does get you some disgruntled stares and only the occasional frustrated gal\'s keen interest. I guess that\'s a sure fire way of sorting out who\'s a size queen?
So I guess I\'m all done with what I\'ll now call \"Walking the Dog\" and returning to a normal social presence where one\'s genital organs aren\'t in the forefront. It was amusing I have to admit and reminds me of when my teenage brother stuffed rolled up socks in this underwear hoping to thus attract girls. Needless to say it didn\'t work at all... and if I had a ticket with the pretty girl in San Diego she sure got disgusted the next day seeing my dangling sausage. I guess I sort of came off as \"a dick\" lol.
So it is somewhat less swollen and the flaccid has retracted a good bit from its earlier lengthy condition due to less fluid buildup I presume. Not that I\'m turtling down to one inch but rather a wider thicker turtle that almost looks shorter due to its greater girth even if it is a good bit longer. It is irritated a bit, but nothing unusual given that I recently underwent a surgical intervention. I don\'t have any more arnica montana beads to swallow and don\'t feel right using the similar cream during the initial settling of the PMMA. It seems evenly spread and I didn\'t notice any irregularities, but then again Dr C and Wade had to work hard to get it right given my original distorted shape which seems to be less warped since their intervention. Thx.
23 Jul 2011 12:10
There is a clinic called \" well being - WB\" in Seoul-Korea is using the \"Lipen-D\" for Glans enlargement and they explain it well i.e. injecting the filler only into the thin layer \"Lamina Propria\" as I have mentioned it before :-

They inject 5-10 cc\'s ( which I thought it is a big volume for the size of the glans) and you can get around 40-100% expansion effect of the penile glans size. But they didn\'t mention the glans enhancement result is it only in flaccid state or also in erect state.

Dr.Gangsun Jo ; the director of this clinic who has a very long experience in Phalloplasty. Dr.G-J received invention patent in USA (1989) for his special technique for penile lengthening and girth enhancement by \"Self-Inner Skin Fat Transplant\" which acts as a splint around the corpus cavernousum which will prevent the penis from shrinking --- so it will increase flaccid length (over 1000 people got an increase length of around 3.2 cm) with no penile turtling but there will be no erect length increase.

But since 2010 he replaced the previous procedure \"SISFT\" with a dermal filler and he start using \"Lipen\" ---> \"Dextran+PMMA\" for penile girth and flaccid length enhancement only :-

It is also interesting ; this clinic is developing another dermal filler (which I am trying to get more information about it) called \"Licol\" P&D ---- Licol-D for Glans enhancement :-
23 Jul 2011 12:10
Quite well observed Mustang. However, at least there will be a matching shaft and glans size. What won\'t look natural is the narrow section between them. Maybe it can be stretched to look more natural without surgical intervention to widen the circumcision ring? Until they decode the Penis Gene in our DNA and tweak it with a pill to become whatever shape and size we desire, we are stuck trying to get multiple techniques to more or less converge. Aesthetics are hard to reach when you have technical limits and dimensional targets.

Regarding glans enhancement, I am sure we would all be happy to learn more about this procedure especially if it can be offered in South Korea. I for one am ready to book a flight in September and volunteer as a Phalloboards front runner. With serious disproportion between shaft and glans plus a turtling issue when retracting, I am a prime candidate for this procedure. If anyone has contact info, please send me a PM so that I may make arrangements.

23 Jul 2011 07:03
Thanks for the advice I\'ll try that. Funny but I instinctively used the thumb as it is wider and softer than one\'s finger tips. Also Wade said that the extender is OK but he didn\'t seem to thing it made a difference as long as you keep on the bandage for the first couple of days. He also taped my glans to the end of the bandage to prevent it from turtling inside and retracting while the PMMA isn\'t settled yet.

I\'m sorry to not be able to reply yet to your question especially as I have not yet learned what quantity of PMMA or in what concentration was injected. My current swollen girth including bandage is over 5 inches, but this is with swelling due to liquid buildup which has nothing to do with real size dimensions. I expect the swelling to go down soon, it already has some, possibly thanks to arnica pills and cream. And I\'m almost sad to see it lose its swollen status and to thin again at the waist... I will be patiently waiting for several weeks for the first collagen to appear and for some form of thickening to become lastingly in place.
Yes, I followed your advice and took the alpha blocker while awaiting the shuttle driver, my procedure started some two hours later. Thanks for the advice. I also took some prescription capsules containing caffeine, paracetamol and... opium powder which helped me cope with the psychological aspect of this procedure. I\'m not only okay with it now, but actually find it healthy to go forth with phalloplasty.

They take forever to process your order and therefore I didn\'t get my VacADS which will remain until September on the ground next to my kitchen door. Ten days is not exactly customer responsive and I can\'t say I will shop again at that store. Regarding what extender only holds the glans, ask me: today I drove from San Diego to Scottsdale and for much of the time I steered with one hand tugging at the glans with the other during the ride. It also helps to be bandaged and I went to a pharmacy in Yuma to get some bandage tape to properly wrap it together efficiently. Once done while holding stretched to the max the glans, you will find that there shouldn\'t be any use for a mechanical extender. Wade did ask me if I pumped and I too quickly said no so he dropped the topic, I wonder if he was going to suggest I do or instead admonish me not to during some phase of the healing? Regarding porn I\'d wager that it is mostly useful to stretch it out before fitting the bandage. lol
22 Jul 2011 16:29
Thanks guys for all the support. On my next motel stop in Arizona I\'ll try to post the few pictures I\'ve taken. I planned to take some during the procedure but was in no psychological condition to document anything. Fortunately I signed authorizations for Dr C to use my photos in scientific publications and his second assistant took loads of them allowing me to tune out and not pay attention too closely.
The procedure for me was entirely painless, only noticing the occasional effort exerted by Dr C to get things right, while Zobel Wade made sure that the PMMA was always perfect spread diligently monitoring for any potential inconsistencies. My procedure took longer than expected possibly due to my odd shape which is sloped downwards but only at the tip, and also possibly by virtue of having what they called a twisted \"corkscrew\" structure further complicating the channels of PMMA. They\'re the best so there\'s no worries there, but thanks to that configuration I think that it was well documented. I\'ll ask if they can provide me or SO with some of their pictures, since I felt nothing I chickened out and didn\'t even glance until it was done. They seemed quite satisfied with their job and with the result, so that does carry its promise.
One thing I didn\'t quite understand despite it being clearly explained is how to massage the shaft to ensure perfect PMMA distribution during the first two days. I also noticed that after unbandaging for an hour or so to bathe and give it a rest that it retracted quite a bit from its rather long flaccid state in the bandage. So to properly spread the PMMA I imitated what Nurse Wade had done gently smoothing it regularly in wide strokes in the direction from the base to the tip. Zobel Wade hadn\'t wanted to bandage it too tightly in case of an increase in swelling but this morning I did make it a good bit tighter, planning on releasing the grip if it gets uncomfortable. Don\'t plan on wearing underwear for at least several days...
For comparison purposes only a few days ago I turtled like never before and must have retracted to may one inch long in flaccid?!? I wondered if it was due to fear of this procedure, to some odd reaction to DHT cream, to the unpredictable response to Pregnly Gonoadtropin shots that might have boosted Estrogen? My erect length which was 5.5\" and thus shorter than in my younger days recently went below the 5\" mark maybe due to my mis-oriented and haphazard excessive efforts at chemical enhancement. Since Zobel Wade said I could I rubbed 5% Arnica cream on the black bruise marks on either side of the shaft to not freak out the Doppler technician next Tuesday when he does an echo scan of my shaft looking for neurological damage which caused me in my youth to go on all night without being able to come to orgasm. Yes, it hurt and was a mild form of Priapism which got me laughed over the office of a Urologist in Berkeley California mocking me about how I dared to complain...
I\'ve instantly gotten used to this thicker girth and will sorely miss it when it disappears, hopefully for the collagen to kick in during the weeks ahead \'til the day I notice \"Hey, it\'s there!\" Meanwhile I\'ll try to take advantage of the temporary visual impact of those bandages to test any reactions to fire-hose dispositions. After all, the more ambitious ladies might think I\'m that size while turtling lol. But all in all I\'ll bet there\'s some telepathic thing that goes on and they can tell you focused on your crotch rocket and sort of react to you that way due to certain body language cues and eye movements perhaps. Whatever... but it will be fun to check out reactions, if anyone knows of a bar with hot babes in Phoenix I can quickly grab a beer at I\'m game, even if it is clear one should avoid any risks of infection with no sex for at least a week - something I am in no way compelled to breach.
19 Jul 2011 18:17
This is just a follow-up post 2 days before my 1st PMMA injections. I am quite concerned because it seems that in the past 2 weeks I\'ve retracted a full inch in BPEL. I wonder if this is some strange form of \"erect turtling\" in anticipation of surgical intervention or if it might have something to do with the girth thickening due to DHT cream stretching the tissues in width causing loss of length or if it might be due to the fairly high doses of Gonadotropin weekly injections?!? In any case it has me fairly alarmed as I was concerned at not having as much length as possible before getting PMMA and it now seems I have even less than before right before going in for treatment. Bizarre, bizarre indeed...
09 Jul 2011 23:54
I\'m very interested in learning more about alfuzosin and doxazosin and their effect on turtling. I shrink up a lot with any physical activity. If I walk up a flight of stair, I probably lose an inch and a half. At the end of an hour at the gym, heck, I look like an acorn. This concerns me because I am strongly considering PMMA and would like to prevent shrinkange during the healing phase so the filler doesn\'t form a funny shape.
Do you recommend one of these meds over the other or both? I\'m thinking of taking it pre-procedure and then for the 6 weeks following. I see both are available on
24 Jun 2011 03:24
Lets think about it in this way during injection of PMMA they stretch your penis and straightaway after the procedure they wrap your stretched penis to avoid turtling esp. in the 1st 48 hrs and they want the beads to be spread evenly over a stretched penis (so turtling in early stage---> bad result) and as I mentioned before some brazilian doctors advised that for a longer period they said to avoid any possibility of contracture formation, so I was afraid that the granulation and the new collagen formation later on could affect the deep fascia (e.g. tunica) and it could affect its elasticity in the future (I might be wrong)??

24 Jun 2011 03:24
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jlmb wrote: I was thinking today, would wearing a ADS or extender during the weeks of collagen formation (2-4) after the PMMA procedure cause the collagen to form in that extended state creating a longer permanently stretched flaccid?

Not that i\'ve had the procedure done but I would think to get the proper results you would need to be stretched 24/7 for that it would be tough to do.
I think wrapping could have a better result. Maintains consistent pressure and shape around the PMMA and can prevent turtling. All things you\'re looking for.
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