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TOPIC: PMMA - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

PMMA - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 11 years 8 months ago #1274687936

I think the anti biotics are used primarily for preventing infection form the few small incisions they make for the cannula to go thru.

If I remember correctly, I think I did ask if they mix their PMMA at Dr C\'s office and the answer was affirmative....

\"IF\" the carrier of the PMMA of different concentrations is the same, why then if mixed will there is the potential problem of PMMA beads sticking close to each other and causing problems? once mixed and shaken well, they should technically have uniform concentration, yes?

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PMMA - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 11 years 8 months ago #1274688044

Forgive me if I am wrong or out of place here... but I seem to remember on the old forum us having this discussion about infection etc and I thought we came to the conclusion that the risk of infection from PMMA is almost zero to none??? Something about the product itself and the size and nature of the beads preventing bacteria from forming etc...

I might go back and look but I thought we came to the conclusion that any infection was likely do to the entry holes (ie, not cleaning them well enough while they heal, or having sex too early etc).

Any light to be shed? Forgive me if this has already been answered...

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PMMA - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 11 years 8 months ago #1274689537


I agree with you totally, this was indeed discussed back on the former PhalloBoards version 1 and and the my best recollection it was established that there is some sort of anti-bacterial property to this medium. FWIW


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PMMA - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 11 years 8 months ago #1274691643

To clear things up if the patient verified pure metacril was being injected, there would be no risk of infection.

However we know that there is no 20% metacril, so the doctor is either mixing, substituting with another brand, or both.

By mixing in office the risk is two fold:
*incomplete mixing leading to nodules (this problem seems to be more prevalent in 20% patients vs 10% or 30%).
*introduction of pathogens leading to infection (antibiotic would prevent this)

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PMMA - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 11 years 8 months ago #1274650804

Hi Guys,

As a very happy beneficiary of a perfectly successful First Session of PMMA enhancement, and a far less fortunate Second Session patient, I think it can be useful if I post my thoughts about PMMA, what it can provide when it works as planned, and what it might do if it doesn\'t. I will summarize briefly and then expand with further details and thoughts about the pros and cons. Next week, once the photo upload feature is reactivated at Phalloboards, I will upload photos to illustrate what is described.


My unit was fairly short at 5\" EL, fairly thin at 4\" EG, and would turtle so much that I almost couldn\'t see it at times. I spent years shying away from locker rooms, scared of skinny dipping and hid from women until we were actively in bed. It was also distorted in shape, making it not at all attractive, with few qualities other than strong EQ.

My first PMMA session with Dr C and Wade worked wonders. I gave the \"Carte Blanche\" to do whatever they thought best. They rose to the challenge and turned it into a very respectable unit, a good bit thicker and definitely straighter and better looking. My flaccid also became presentable and women loved the result, finding me a romantic figure and taking a very strong liking to me.


My second PMMA session was not the same success story. I was very happy and thought I was all done, but after 20 weeks I noticed that I had suddenly lost a considerable amount of girth. So I resolved to go in for a second session at the end of May 2012.

I was at fault for asking for two things, which both backfired. The first was extra girth at the base, the second was filler near the glans. Let me only say that this is probably not the fault of the good doctor or his team, and might have been caused by too rigid a mixture, the unusual configuration of my inner workings, or even maybe by inordinately extreme swelling that may have displaced product?


Upon unwrapping the bandage, it was totally distorted with swelling being mostly centered at the right of the base and at the left of the tip of the shaft. This extreme dissymmetry worried me, and rightly so. I massaged for hours, and despite all my efforts the mixture was too thick and stiff and wouldn\'t budge. Even painfully hard pressure wouldn\'t do much. The next morning I took a photo of the resulting bloated and bruised unit and sent it to Christian. Wade called me quickly, told me \"It looks very unhappy\" and instructed me to stop massaging and leave it alone. I was to wait patiently and hope for the best. I did so with resignation.

Fortunately, the complications which are multiple, are not too noticeable when erect. One girl goes so far as to say she would love me just as much even if had I no \"boy parts\", and that\'s not because she isn\'t fully on board lol. So she won\'t leave me, if and when she discovers what befell me, but will probably be supportive. However, with others it won\'t be the same story and it might even be perceived as something of a \"Frankendick\" - at least that\'s the way my fragile psychology perceives odd malformations - making what might be minor defects become enlarged in one\'s mind into major problems?

Actually, what I call the Ugly might simply be an unrealistic expectation brought by my unusually successful first session? Maybe it is simply a slightly more imbalanced but similar result to what others experience, that of the intermediate stages of having an artificial prosthesis implanted in their phallus? I might be like an amputee upset that his artificial limb can\'t fool people, not only visually but while touching it. This could be made harder by the unrealistic expectation of women taking it into their mouth during oral sex and not noticing anything unusual...

I shall next explain things further, understanding that there will certainly be solutions on the horizon, even if not in the immediate times to come. And all this isn\'t that important, it is just a dick, right?


First I must commend Dr C and Wade for not only pioneering a new procedure, despite its risks and difficulties, but also for continuously improving their techniques and attaining greater success over the years. Also, I remain grateful for their initial success in bestowing on me a fabulous \"designer unit\" which was far nicer than anything I could have hoped for.

If anyone remembers or looks back at my earlier posts, I have been quite a fan of PMMA and of the team in Tijuana, and rightly so. And it is not this \"hiccup\", even if it affects me in a very intimate spot, that will change that overall impression. I am sure that solutions can and will be found, and that the final result will probably make the missed second step a fortunate stumble.

So I plan to stick with them and have scheduled a 3rd Session strictly for corrective intervention in early September. I hope that the worst of hard zones and clumps can be broken down by a combination of Kenalog injections and Cannula mashing, and that the adequate concentration of filler can be properly injected into the empty spaces to fill the large gaps between islands of thick PMMA collagen.

I think the downside might be my length, because it is possible that several sessions and a good amount of filler might need to be used to conceal the broken up structure of the present layer. That might tend to make my length insufficient for a fairly thick and at last smooth final result.


My first session was GOOD thanks to two things: my granting Dr C and Wade \"Carte Blanche\" to do whatever they thought best, without any expectations or demands, but mostly due to their talent in fashioning a proper result with techniques they have mastered.

It was not an easy operation, because of the twisted inner configuration of my unit which was unusual to say the least. Due to this, Dr C had Mel take many photos and asked me to sign a consent form so that he might present my results to medical conferences in the future, and I believe that what was accomplished in that session definitely merits his colleagues respect.

I received only 10% PMMA and 19 CCs of it were perfectly injected and positioned. I was wrapped and told to leave the bandage as long as possible. I did so, starting off right away on a road trip, the next morning, driving right after the operation to Scottsdale Arizona, with my unit out and tugging on the tip to keep it straight and slightly stretched. I only removed the bandage after two days to check the results and wrapped it up again. I was a VERY HAPPY camper!

The results were so GOOD that I found that any number of women had a new interest in me. Those who had known me before discovered at their own initiative new desires and practices which they had not wanted before. New conquests acted towards me like no other women had before. I was their MAN and not just a nice guy for whom they had affection. What a change!

My second session was a BAD experience necessarily for other reasons, which cannot call into question their skill or abilities which had been proven earlier without contest. It might have been due to problems with product stability, extreme swelling, unusual collagen response, inner malformations delaying the procedure or displacing concentrate, and any number of other things not yet determined.

My second session was late in the day, and as a conclusion I think it is probably preferable, when the procedure might be more delicate than most to undertake, to try to do it early in the morning when everyone is fresh and rested. Their\'s is a trying profession in high demand, and they give their utmost to reach as good a result as possible. Yet there seem to be certain variables which are unpredictable and which known techniques cannot affect in a perfectly controlled way. That is probably the hardest part of their job.

Upon arrival I got my antibiotic shot and took half a dozen opium powder pills to relax me and reduce any pain of the procedure. I did this out of caution as I didn\'t expect any discomfort since the first session was quite painless. I don\'t know what the pertinent difference was between the two sessions, but I found the second session to be particularly \'uncomfortable\' making it feel more like light surgery than like a simple injection procedure. Maybe this last impression is more usual, and my first time around was unusually easy?

As Dr C was opposed to 30% PMMA in my case, he went forth to apply, according to my wishes, 19 CCs of 20% PMMA to the base, tapering up the shaft, and finished it off with 4 CCs of 6% PMMA beneath the glans to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of the taper. Upon application it felt a lot harder, requiring a good bit more physical effort to press through the Cannula than the 10% solution, which must be more fluid? Or was it due to having to push the Cannula and/or the product through fibrous collagen resulting from a first session?

I didn\'t see the result before bandaging, as it was fairly messy from what I could gather, but I am quite certain that the final result was probably very aesthetic, barring unpredictable complications. When I rose to thank the team and prepare to get dressed and move on wit my life, Wade took me aside and conjured me to go right back to my hotel and spend as much time as possible dedicated to massaging it continuously.

He seemed very concerned and even somewhat worried, which was odd given that he was fairly carefree at the end of my first session. This got me wondering what was up, since it was a very laborious session, possibly made extra difficult by my unusually configured inner workings? Or did he note a tendency in my unit to clump up and cluster even while the product was still in liquid form? In any case the Post-Op protocol was very different from the first time around, and he did mention that there are sometimes problems with new PMMA interacting with former PMMA collagen buildup.

I noted another difference from session 1, because after crossing the border the bandage became very tight, it was clear that I was swelling a lot more than the first time unless I was bandaged tighter this time? So I figured that I had best not leave it compressed and liberate the injured party, hoping for relief upon its release. But when unwrapped I noticed that it was very uneven, and this worried me that the product hadn\'t spread evenly at all.

It seemed to have clustered in areas, because despite the soft fluid from swelling I could feel thicker resistance which was not uniform in shape. It seemed as if something had made it cluster in areas and that swelling had surrounded these areas, and I wonder if my body didn\'t react adversely to the higher concentration of product, moving it into packs and surrounding them with fluid?

I shall post pictures of my post-op condition later, showing session one and session two post op as a comparison of my unit\'s reaction to each procedure. It makes me wonder if I shouldn\'t have kept the bandage on for two days, to prevent swelling from displacing product, or if there really wasn\'t anything anyone could do to prevent my adverse reaction the second time around? Here is a link to my first procedure with some pictures of my very happy results:

For a full week I remained very bruised in black, yellow and dark red. On day six I was with a former girlfriend who was overjoyed to see me again, and we spent hours trying to get it on but we were unable to achieve penetration. She had a hard time dilating and I was too thick to be able to put on a Magnum condom, it seemed like it was going to cut of my circulation at the base when I got it only half way on, compressing my unit into it like stuffing too small a stocking by stretching it.

I had told her that I had gotten hit in a bar brawl, when a guy kicked over a stool into my stuff. I have no idea if she bought the notion that sounds pretty lame, but in any case she did all sorts of things to alleviate my frustration. I promised to return when the swelling was down, but haven\'t yet as I think that not only she\'ll know I had surgery, but that I am also a liar, inventing stupid stories after doing stupid things to my manhood.

A few days later I met up with another girl, who had fallen for me last fall but we hadn\'t gone anywhere with it yet. Once I arrived in her town she showed up at my hotel in an evening gown with a bottle of wine. We only had time for half a glass before winding up in the sack, and I was less swollen and most importantly, no longer bruised. She\'s quite tall, and was very pleased at my \'inflated\' post op dimensions, getting her fill. Ever since she\'s been pleading for me to return, and I hope that I can after session 3, in similar \"one week later post-op condition\", to have a thin layer of swelling that disguises the irregularities. I wouldn\'t want to disappoint...

During the weeks following the intervention, I can readily say that session 2 was successful in ensuring extra girth that the ladies appreciated fully. In that sense, a positive result was achieved. Four more girls were taken by its effect, and none of the complained. One did touch it and giggle, but who knows what she might have been thinking? Did she remember that several years ago I used to be much slimmer, did she feel the ridge near the base?

It was only during the 5th and 6th week that the underlying irregularities started appearing as more manifest. I don\'t know whether they were concealed by fluid buildup, whether they developed during collagen growth, or a combination of the two. So I traveled away and stopped seeing these girls and came back to Europe where I found myself in bed with a former girlfriend rather soon after my arrival.

This is when it became disturbingly obvious what my condition reveals. She had known me before session one, and I had been able to conceal that, thanks to its splendid and natural results, as being caused by chemical injections and hormonal supplements. She also knows I bought a pump, which she found strange, but what the heck.

This time however, she barely grazed my unit with her finger tips and she yelped \"Oh my God, what have you done to yourself ?!?\" This was a direct question referring to phalloplasty, and I chose to reply with silence. Ever since I have refused to have sex with her, pushing her away in bed. But I will see her again next week and we shall see what comes of it, especially as she said is practicing deep throat with garden vegetables awaiting my arrival. It is going to be hard to wriggle away and I am not sure my misshapen unit will pass the taste test...

She knows pretty much everyone I know, except the other ladies I adore, so I certainly don\'t want to become a laughing stock or a cocktail party conversation piece. I\'d rather they think I believe in Little Green Men than have them mumbling \"He must have had a really tiny one to get a fake one grafted LOL\".

So this is what I refer to as The Ugly, not so much the fact that it isn\'t as pretty as I would like, because I lived with one which wasn\'t pretty for most of my life. It would be Ugly by virtue of its impact on my social image of virility, making me \"The guy with an \"Artificial Cock\" or put another way \"The Human Dildo\". That idiots I hardly know laugh at me, who cares, but I don\'t want women to think that it is not me, making love to them, but some scientifically designed contraption. It would take a woman with a pretty open mind or a very wide vagina to accept me under such conditions.

To be more specific, the first issue I have is that the 6% PMMA injected below the glans migrated entirely to the left side, causing a thin elevated hard ridge which borders the left of the tip. My assumption is that either the bandage or the swelling made the product migrate? It makes a circular archway sticking out beyond the width of the glans on the left rear half of the shaft. I have been applying 1% hydrocortizone cream for the past few days, hoping to soften it and make it less noticeable. So far it hasn\'t produced any detectable difference.

The second thing which irks me is that at the base there is a thick layer of collagen which can be easily felt when flaccid. It is a thick flat piece of skin that goes from the pelvis and extends an inch and a half down the top of the shaft, to end abruptly leaving an edge with nothing after. It is something like the one on Cool Hand Luke\'s shaft, his photo can be seen here showing a similar thick patch of skin ending abruptly:

Finally, when flaccid you can instantly notice thick very irregular clumps of hard matter - like large hard rubbery clusters of dried breakfast cereal - three of them along the left side of the shaft and one long one distorting along the right side of the shaft. Fortunately, these are concealed by inflation during erection, but they are instantly noticeable even to a distracted touch when flaccid.

I really can\'t understand what happened, why the first time was so perfect and problem free and the second time was a fiasco? Also I don\'t know what can be done to correct the problems. I hardly even notice the bumps, nodules and surface irregularities due to the larger issues to confront. From reports, Kenalog injections aren\'t really that good at fixing things, I have had no replies or suggestions regarding whether Lidocaine injections can help, and wish there were some form of intervention other than open surgery and traumatic excision. The only other option I see is using Cannula to smash up the clumps like mashed potatoes, adding more PMMA to fill in the gaps. But who is to say this extra PMMA won\'t also cluster and clump?

This has been quite an adventure, not one I regret but it is turning into a wild ride which is taking me who knows where. It could be anywhere from a hospital ward for lengthy series of surgical interventions to a porn movie where I can display my splendid new tool, courtesy of Dr C.

I asked Wade if he and Dr C wished to see photos and have details of my condition, in order to better prepare for the corrective intervention, but he chose to wait until I arrive in the morning to advise and decide what to do. I guess they pretty much know what they\'re dealing with, what options they have and how to best go about it. I shall then post more here, about my 3rd session in just a few weeks time. And I sure hope it will all be good news?


Hunk Chunk
PMMA Pioneer

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